TITLE: “Divine Wind II”

LOCATION: 1701 N. Cleveland

SIZE: 10.5’ x 14.5’ x 5”

MATERIALS: Stainless Steel

SPONSOR: The Honorable Vi Daley

Jim Gallucci has long been interested in gates and arches. Their architectural utility is only one way to view them. He sees them as symbols and appreciates the paradox of whether to consider a gate as a passage or obstruction. There is no question that any gate in his work is an opening.

The port of entry provided in “Divine Wind II” is intended to allow you to embrace art. This opening is meant to convey public access. You are encouraged to enter and accept Gallucci’s invitation. The divine wind has bent the stem so that the beautiful petals are at a level that can be easily enjoyed.

YEARS EXHIBITED: 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015
“Divine Wind II” by JIM GALLUCCI

Above photo shows selected year in exhibit
(Thumbnails show other years)


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