Latest CSE News
Chicago Sun Times: New Little Village sculpture celebrates arriving immigrants: ‘We underestimate how courageous people are’New Little Village sculpture celebrates arriving immigrants: ‘We underestimate how courageous people are’ The work by Chicago-based artist Salvador Jiménez-Flores was made after Flores won the Chicago Sculpture Exhibit’s Richard Hunt Award. It’s one of 42 the exhibit is installing this month. (click here for article) Additional information about Chicago Sculpture Exhibit, the artists READ MORE
Chicago Sun Times: Sculptor Ruth A. Migdal still celebrating the female form at 90Sculptor Ruth A. Migdal still celebrating the female form at 90 Migdal’s latest sculpture is set to be unveiled Thursday on the Near North Side. (click here for article) READ MORE
CSE Richard Hunt Award: Salvador Jiménez-FloresRICHARD HUNT AWARD Salvador Jiménez-Flores “Camiñantes” Location Manuel Perez Plaza, 4345 W. 26th St. Artist Salvador Jiménez-Flores is the 2023 recipient of the CSE Richard Hunt Award. Salvador’s sculpture, Camiñantes, was selected for its relevance to Chicago, and is fittingly installed in the Little Village neighborhood. The sculpture represents the journey and the resilience of READ MORE
In Memorium: Dora NatellaThe CSE community was saddened to learn of the sudden passing of one of our own; sculptor, artist, educator, and mother, Dora Notella. Her sculpture “Sentinel” was celebrated in our 2020 CSE Exhibit. We honor her dedication and advocacy of art in public places. Her work is featured in public venues and private collections across READ MORE