TITLE: A New Beginning

LOCATION: Grant/Clark/Sedgwick • 2232 North Clark or 2225 North S

SIZE: 9.5’ x 3’ x 3’


SPONSOR: Mid-North Neighborhood Association

A New Beginning is composed of granite and steel. A shattered globe sits atop the granite column, appearing to be regenerating from within like a phoenix rising from the ashes. With time and patience, the thought of a fully developed sphere can be contemplated. The column of granite, weathered and worn by time, is balanced gracefully on a pedestal of increasingly smaller steel rings reminiscent of growth patterns in nature. Karpowicz has created a work that embodies hope and possibility.

YEARS EXHIBITED: 2013, 2012, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003

A New Beginning

Above photo shows selected year in exhibit
(Thumbnails show other years)