TITLE: Wintergreen

LOCATION: Grace & Southport (Blaine School)

SIZE: 12' 6" x 8' 6" x 8'

MATERIALS: Painted Steel

SPONSOR: Chicago Cubs

Ray Katz received an MFA from Wayne State University. His works have been exhibited across the U.S. as well as in France and Japan. Katz is best known for his large-scale metal sculptures, but also works successfully in a wide range of media and scale. Metal is best suited for his work because of its strength, malleability, and inherent beauty.
“Wintergreen” reflects Katz’s creative process – organ-izing separate parts into a whole. He creates visual balance using rhythm, action and movement. The abstract manipulation of geometric and organic elements creates a piece that conveys the implied energy always found in his work. That implied energy is a hallmark of his work.  Katz considers it an evolutionary process that he associates with human experience. 



Above photo shows selected year in exhibit