John Adduci’s sculptures have been featured in shows and museums across North America, from Denver to Manitoba, Canada. The artist’s broad appeal is his talent for finding a simple, meaningful image and bestowing upon it a sense of spectacular wonder. He often recreates a single symbol or idea in gleaming aluminum, steel or bronze, buffered to reflect sunlight in wispy, electric streaks.
“Balancing Act”, Adduci’s shimmering submission to this year’s LSE, appears to pay homage to the hard hustling street performers from cities around the world whose livings are as precarious as a spinning plate. A living that is not too dissimilar from that of a sculptor whose job it is, in Adduci’s words, to “excite our intuition to explore, to see all sides,” and create an “on-the-street experience with art.”
YEARS EXHIBITED: 2011, 2010, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005