TITLE: A Walk in the Park

LOCATION: North Avenue and Orchard

SIZE: 12’ x 5’ x 5’

MATERIALS: Mild and Stainless Steel with Boulders

SPONSOR: A. Finkl & Sons

A base of boulders within a round band grounds this sleek design of steel rising to a seemingly infinite point. Pointing towards the heavens, with its feet firmly planted on the ground, “A Walk in the Park” by Jason Verbeek has a very calming influence within a completely urban setting. There is a zen quality exemplified by the influence of the boulders and notice too the ivy as it weaves its way through. The joining of the steel sections appear seemless and directs the eye to travel the length of the piece in an equally fluid motion.

YEARS EXHIBITED: 2013, 2012, 2010, 2009, 2008

A Walk in the Park

Above photo shows selected year in exhibit
(Thumbnails show other years)