TITLE: Martius Yellow (The Rocket)

LOCATION: Lill & Halsted

SIZE: 12' x 5' x 5'

MATERIALS: Mixed Media

SPONSOR: Alderman Michele Smith

Bill Boyce is a craftsman. He is a builder, not of the functional but of the inspired. Boyce enjoys taking found and common items and exalting them to the hallowed height of art.
For Boyce, a Chicagoan, there is potential in every street, shop and particularly alleyway. Bill has said that these found and recovered items speak to him. They have a purpose, a place and an energy that can be found if we only listen. “Martius Yellow (The Rocket)” Boyce’s 12-foot tall sculpture resembles a rocket if a mad scientist had constructed it. Cobbled from many sources, Boyce’s talent is achieving the appearance that to be gathered and put together was always the intended purpose of the sculptures myriad parts.

YEARS EXHIBITED: 2012, 2008, 2002


Above photo shows selected year in exhibit
(Thumbnails show other years)