TITLE: Free As A Cicada

LOCATION: Grace and Southport - Blaine School

SIZE: 12’ x 5’ x 5’

MATERIALS: Fiberglass, Steel & Wood

SPONSOR: Chicago Cubs

Xu, who received his BFA in China and his MFA in Maryland, uses sculpture to explore differences: differences between East and West and differences between traditional and contemporary art.

“Free as a Cicada” portrays a visual story. The work is rich in symbols — the open cage, the infamously reemergent cicada, and the gleeful human face — that reinforce Xu’s optimistic artistic vision and invoke the mind to create its own narrative explanation. The open door on the cage allows viewers to enter and there is plenty of space between the ribs for children to pass in and out with ease. Though the cage can hold no one captive the sculpture is still captivating.

YEARS EXHIBITED: 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004

Free As A Cicada

Above photo shows selected year in exhibit
(Thumbnails show other years)