TITLE: Once Around The Block

LOCATION: Dickens and Lincoln Park West - LP Cultural Center

SIZE: 9’ x 4’ x 6’

MATERIALS: Stainless Steel

SPONSOR: Mid-North Association

In his 25 years as a sculptor, Andrew Arvanetes has displayed work all over the country; Texas, Iowa, Arizona, and Wisconsin. How-ever, if his sculptures were to be collected into one space, what you would find would be more reminiscent of a cast of characters than a sculpture garden. Though there is nothing human about Arvanetes’ steel sculptures – he always manages imbue an expression of humanity into his work by including a jaunty angle or curious tilt.

The newest character in Arvanetes’ cast, “Once Around The Block”, fits easily into a body which he describes as “object oriented, narrative work.” And, in true deference to imagination, Arvanetes leaves it up to the viewer to dream their own story.

YEARS EXHIBITED: 2012, 2011, 2010

Once Around The Block

Above photo shows selected year in exhibit
(Thumbnails show other years)